Life happens. Let's do this together.
SAFE is here to support your financial goals no matter what stage of life you're in. Whether you're just starting out or already navigating life's big milestones, we've got your back. Here you'll find tools and resources designed to help you tackle whatever life throws your way. Remember, your SAFE family is right here, ready to support you every step of the journey!
Here, you can explore a heap of helpful information about the following topics:

Death of a Loved One - Account Settlement & Bereavement Support
The death of a loved one is never easy. SAFE's Bereavement Guide is a compassionate resource offering step-by-step guidance on navigating the sensitive process of handling your loved ones' accounts. From understanding the account settlement process to providing compassionate guidance, we're here to help you every step of the way.
Getting Married
Blog Post2 min readJust as Cupid's arrows inspire love when they hit their mark, focusing on a shared savings target can help couples achieve financial success with similar precision and effectiveness. But saving money...
Blog Post2 min readManaging finances during life’s major events isn’t always easy. Whether planning a wedding, buying a home, or welcoming a new bundle of joy, strong emotions — even positive ones — can affect your...
Blog Post2 min readIf you’re gearing up to buy your first home and have your first child, all while finding yourself with a sizable chunk of student loan and credit card debt, you might be a millennial. The millennial...
Blog Post2 min readMany households are exploring ways to shield their finances from rising inflation. Canceling unnecessary subscriptions, eating out less frequently, and using coupons is a great start — but where would...
Blog Post3 min readWhether you're looking for great rates, leniency, or expertise in a mortgage provider, SAFE Federal Credit Union comes out on top. Learn why and get the keys to your dream home on time.
Raising a Family
Blog Post2 min readWith National Credit Union Youth Month approaching in April, now is an ideal time to teach little ones about saving money. Learning smart money management skills at a young age builds their confidence...
Blog Post2 min readAs a parent, you have hopes and dreams your young child will grow up and be able to enjoy “the good life” or at least an existence on par with your own. This might mean an enjoyable career, safe...
Blog Post2 min readIf you have a college student heading to campus this fall, make sure you have the money talk before they hit the road. Many students don't understand how today's money moves can mean headaches years...
Retirement Planning
Blog Post2 min readMarket volatility and high inflation can bring retirement dreams to a screeching halt. Approaching Life 2.0 with a dwindling portfolio balance places you at a financial intersection — either postpone...
Blog Post2 min readIt's normal to feel anxious when your investment balances take a tumble, no matter how many times you've experienced bull runs and downturns. But, how you deal with stock market volatility determines...
Blog Post2 min readIf you’re consistently saving money for retirement — congratulations! You might be financially ahead of the 75% of Americans who believe they won’t have enough money to live comfortably after they...
SAFE Cents VideoHave you started planning for your retirement? An even bigger question is, “Do you know how much money you’ll need for retirement?” Most people don’t have real grasp on the answer. So, how can you...
Golden Years & Estate Planning
Blog Post2 min readScam artists have no boundaries. They target vulnerable people of all ages. If there’s money to be stolen, crooks will devise a scheme to steal it. Swindlers use emotional manipulation to rob seniors...
Blog Post2 min readCreating a financial retirement plan that does not solely rely on Social Security benefits is crucial to ensuring a secure future as rising costs sink buying power. One money smart tactic is to...
Blog Post2 min readEmbarking on a no-spend challenge is like trying to diet at an all-you-can-eat buffet – temptation lurks around every corner. It’s a test of resolve that can make you feel as conflicted as a...