Feel like taking a break from your loan payments? Maybe you need to plan for holiday expenses or a significant event in your life like a wedding, vacation, or medical procedure.
Take a break with SAFE Federal Credit Union's Skip Pay Program*.
If you have your car, boat, or motorcycle loan with SAFE, you may be eligible to skip a payment and put that money toward something else. Many of our other loans also qualify!
How can I skip a loan payment?
You can complete and submit the Skip Pay Request Form in moments when you're logged into SAFE's full online banking site. To find the form, just click on the "Secure Forms" tab.
If you prefer, you can download and print the form. Then, take it to any SAFE branch or email it to our Member Service Center at msc@safefed.org.
We just need your Skip Pay Request Form and a $25 processing fee per eligible loan at least 5 days before your loan payment due date.
Download Skip Pay Request Form
* Must qualify. Not all loans are eligible. Terms, conditions, and limitations apply. Each skipped payment will be assessed a $25 fee. At least two (2) monthly payments must be made between each skipped payment.

We're Here to Help
If you have any questions about Skip Pay, please don’t hesitate to give us a call, send a message, or visit your nearest branch.